Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 90

volume Number : 16
number In Volume : 8
issue Number : 90

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16، number In Volume 8، ، issue Number 90

Investigating the stylistic features of Maqalat Shams and Fih-Ma-fih based on the function of the linguistic roles of the sentences

Somaye Aghababaei (Author in Charge)


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Jacobsen believes that by examining the six communication elements of "message", "addressee", "subject", "speaker", "communication channel" and "codes", the stylistic features of texts can be analyzed. From his point of view, in the process of creating communication, the message can be more oriented towards one of these six elements and cause the creation of roles such as "emotional role", "motivational role", "referential role", "metaphorical role", "empathic role" and "Literary role" and the different function of language sentences and finally stylistic difference. In this research, the stylistic features and the type of literary creation of the two texts of Fih-Ma-fih and Maqalat Shams are examined in the use of linguistic roles and rhetorical devices; Also, the analysis of the dominant and non-dominant linguistic role in the sentences and the stylistic reasons for the use of each role have also been discussed.

METHODOLOGY: This article is done with qualitative and quantitative analysis method.

FINDINGS: Among the common stylistic features of these two texts is the use of the referential role of sentences in high frequency. The performance of the referential role in the form of news sentences in Maqalat Shams with 51%, as a tool to express topics such as Shams" life, the mystical environment of that time, etc., along with the performance of sensory-sensual similes, has caused the text to tend to the linguistic form of absolute prose. In Fih-Ma-fih, Molavi has used this role with 49% to express his opinions under the influence of Maqalat Shams. In addition to the referential role, the persuasive role in the form of imperative sentences in Maqalat Shams with 21% and in Fih-Ma-fih with 17% is also taken into consideration due to the didactic nature of the text.

CONCLUSION: The results of the research show the similar style of these two texts. The high performance of literary similes with intellectual-sensual aspects of compound and allegorical similes, along with irony and metaphors, has led to the movement of the text of Fih-Ma-Fih towards poetic and literary prose. On the other hand, the lower frequency of the stylistic feature of the emotional role in Maqalat Shams with 9% and in Fih-Ma-fih with 5% has caused a clear understanding of the expressions and strengthened the referential and audience-oriented nature of these two texts. It should be noted that the different functions of rhetorical industries have caused the stylistic distinction of these two texts.

Stylistics , linguistic roles of sentences , Roman Jacobsen , Maqalat Shams , Fih-Ma-fih.

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